YES, but with some limitations. You may reserve seats for up to 10 people in your party who have yet to arrive, but we ask that one person not save more than 10 seats, using only one stone seat per person. The front gate opens at 9 A.M., and audience members may only save seats after that time. Any towels, sheets, or items left to save space before that time will be picked up by security and taken to the lost and found. Caution tape is used by Mountain Play security staff, and if it is found around seats, it will be removed. Instead, blankets, beach towels, small signs, or other kinds of tape are excellent ways to set seats aside for your group.
What’s most important to remember:
- Arrive after 9 A.M.
- One person can save ten seats and no more
- You may not use caution tape to save seats – Security will remove it.
If you don’t want to worry about saving seats for you and your party, consider purchasing reserved seating. Click here for more information about Reserved Seating.